We are a B2B company trading in products used for surface conditioning and application of coatings in automotive, wood, metal and other industries in Sri Lanka. We market products that improves the productivity, quality and ultimately the profitability of our customers.whilst helping to reduce the adverse impact the industry have on the people and the environment.
We are the market leaders for spray booths in Sri Lanka and have been able to achieve this milestone after entering market as a latecomer. We attribute this mainly to our excellent after sales service.
We deal in tools, equipment and consumables needed for surface conditioning and coatings industry.
We boast of a excellent after sales service and stock even the smalllest spare part needed for the equipment we sell so that there will be minimum downtime for our customers in case of a machine failure. In addition we carry our preventive maintenance and service the equipment on regular basis with customers where we have signed annual contracts.
We have from the inception of our company work according to a value system which has made our customers perceive our company as an ethical company. Some of these values are:
We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct
We maintain the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness
We always comply with the laws of the country.
We treat all employees with equal respect and dignity and provide equal opportunity to develop